Thursday, May 17, 2007

Smart Alex

At last, the first identified sighting of the proper phrase in five months! Michael White, in a Guardian piece on the anointing of the SNP's Alex Salmond as Scotland's First Minister, writes:
Scots - and the rest of us - are also entitled to find out whether "Smart Alex" is all mouth and trousers in the governing department or whether - as sometimes happens - he surprises his critics and does rather well.
Bravo, Michael! A bang-on use of the phrase - though, under the circumstances, perhaps something creative involving kilts might have been appropriate.

Of course, as previously noted the Guardian's own style guide does prescribe the correct phrase over the southern bastardisation - "not "all mouth and no trousers", as has appeared in the paper" - although some columnists apparently remain obdurately opposed.

Meanwhile, another typically idiotic barbarism in the London Evening Standard from restuarant critic Fay Maschler:
When I grizzle about molecular gastronomy, which strikes me as all mouth and no trousers, people in the biz say, you must go to Noma in Copenhagen.
No pudding for you, Ms Maschler!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Metro sloppy one

More slackjawed idiocy from the pages of instant-landfill rag Metro, in a non-story about some TV cook -
The pair managed to eat braised bull's penis, Gordon keeping his down by gulping white wine.
But he proved himself to be all mouth and no trousers when it came to the next dish on the menu.

An insult to the language, wrapped in a disgrace to journalism.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Dumb Echo

Another vulgarised turn from, shamefully, the Northern Echo, where a TV reviewer writes:
Hustle has always been all mouth and no trousers. All surface gloss and glitz without much soul.

Again,'surface gloss and glitz' somehow translates into 'no trousers', when it's a clear case of the fancypants opposite. When even the Northern Echo cocks it up, is there any hope for the original glorious phrase?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Raw prawns

The last reported sighting of the correct use of 'all mouth and trousers' (back in December!) came from Australia. Although my Antipodean connections reckoned it wasn't a common phrase down there, I held some hope that the famously straight-talking Aussies could at least appreciate the phrase. Alas, this comes in from the political pages of the Adelaide Advertiser:
The Premier accused Mr Hamilton-Smith of being "all mouth and no trousers" and in answer to another question said the Government was being subjected to a barrage of abuse from the Liberals.

Crow-eating whacka, as I believe they say in those parts.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

You're fired

Something called 'The Badger' (believed to be a former participant on popular TV gameshow 'The Apprentice') buggers the language in comments reported in The Sun and elsewhere:
"If Tre was in my business, I’d crush him within a minute," The Badger said. "I’d smack him. He’s all mouth and no trousers."

What's particulrly sad is that this Badger person is being promoted as a "no-nonsense star" with a "trademark straight-talking style". A shame, then, that she apparently uses the ignorant language of one who can't tell the packaging from the contents.